Language: English | Māori

Business Manager

Wendy Cross

Wendy grew up in Ōtautahi and loves connecting and spending time with family and friends - especially her three incredible children.

In her own words, Wendy's interests are diverse - ranging from natural health to motorsport, including speedway and F1. She appreciates music and a wide range of live performance, and loves getting out in nature, walking and tramping. 

With a background spanning corporate, social services, community and health, Wendy was drawn to the mahi of Rātā Foundation as a purpose-driven organisation making a tangible difference in the daily lives of people.

She is passionate about supporting people and communities from a grassroots level and enabling them to realise their vision for their community. She says knowing that everything she does at work contributes to enabling better outcomes for people and communities is both motivating and inspiring. 

Email: Wendy Cross

DDI: (03) 335 3090

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