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Cultural and Community Relationships Team Leader

Steve Merito

Putauaki toku maunga

Ōhinemataroa toku awa

Mataatua toku waka

Ngāti Awa me Ngāpuhi oku Iwi

Wairaka me Otatara oku marae

Ko Steve Merito ahau

Something you might not know about Steve is he loves to sing and he’ll happily serenade you! They say laughter is the best medicine, and Steve is all about that – he’s always got a joke or quip up his sleeve. He spends his spare time with his friends and family, and reading gripping fantasy novels by his favourite author Raymond Feist.

Steve joined the Rātā whānau because he is inspired by good people, and he loves learning about what they are doing in the community. He finds sharing their stories with Rātā’s trustees to encourage them to support their mahi is the most rewarding thing.

Email: Steve Merito

DDI: 03 339 5991

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